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Case study: Exploratory ACE2 analysis using multi-omic web tools

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This website is connected to the article “Fantastic databases and where to find them” (Genetics and Molecular Biology) and shows how the tools covered in the above mentioned manuscript work, using ACE2 as a case study. ACE2, the Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme 2 has been shown to modulate SARS-Cov2 infection. In this example, we show how to use the top tools provided in our study to explore ACE2 information. Cite us:

Databases used in this Case Study

Alternative splicing:

Cancer databases:

Comparative databases:

Disease-specific and variant-disease association:

Methylation databases:

Gene expression databases:

Genomic and sequence databases

LncRNA and miRNA databases

Metabolic databases:

Proteome and protein-protein interaction databases:

Regulatory Databases:

Other databases:

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